Monday, June 21, 2010

Home Sweet Home

I've decided to a little blog hiatus freeing up more time to tend my garden, smell the roses etc.In the mean time I thought I'd leave you with some pics of our humble home and some of the surrounding gardens.It's old (dates to somewhere in the mid 1750's) and came with numerous old apple trees, one resilient pear and several mysterious stories.We've found many old artifacts (bottles, horseshoes,spats, old farm tools) scattered throughout the property and I'm sure we'll find many more.No skeletons... yet.It's old, cranky, drafty and, to us, perfect.The first image is of the carriage house, which has it's own interesting ghost stories to tell. I have a penchant for roses of the antique variety, some of which I have pictured.Not shown is a pond and waterfall which attract a non-stop parade of little piece of heaven.
See you all soon, my friends.I love blogging too much not to return.
P.S. Those flying saucer thingies on stalks are sonographic deer deterrants.They're not pretty but they work and serve as handy little tables in a pinch.And I do apologize for the quality of the pictures.Despite my best efforts I'm just not a great photographer (!).

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